Applies to:
- AO and BCs
The PackageRoute Scheduler allows you to manage all your employees schedules for your P&D operation. You can assign shifts by drivers, work areas or vehicles that will be available and operating on any given day. If you have a larger operation or special requirements with additional employee roles (such as helpers or mechanic) you can create custom shifts to schedule them.
NOTE: You can only use the WebApp to schedule shifts. Once you create a shift schedule and publish it, the respective shift schedule for each employee is instantly viewable to them via the App.
Steps to Create a Schedule
1. Create a Schedule on the WebApp. Ideally, you can copy a previous schedule or generate one from a prior pay period timecard data.
2. Review, analyze and rework shifts for your schedule period. All your work is always saved. Come back and review it whenever. Once satisfied, Publish it.
3. Once Published, schedule shifts are instantly visible to all drivers via the App on their phones.
To use the built in scheduler functionality, select Schedule from the WebApp menu. See video below for a full tutorial:
You can define and create your own shift roles to assign to your schedule. This helps you customize shifts for your operation, no matter how big or small.
Shift Templates
A Route Shift is used to schedule your drivers, the vehicle they normally drive and the route they are assigned, as well as any helpers / jumpers that may be required. A Regular Shift for all other employees, such as a mechanic or admin, who may be part of your operation but not intricately involved in P&D service.
You can create a generic shift template with start, stop and break times that you can apply to any employee. This allows you to easily drag and drop your templated shift to create your schedule. For example you can template a 7am to 3pm Route shift and apply it to your drivers. You can create another shift template from 6am to 4pm and assign it to your BCs.
NOTE: You can reassign shifts by dragging and dropping them, or copy them to a different day. You can also reassign an entire week’s shifts at once (by dragging and dropping the entire row), or copy a day from one to another (by dragging and dropping the day column)
Scheduler view
The detail view of the scheduler shows you current scheduled shifts for the scheduled period. You can view these by Employees, Routes or Vehicles. Any conflicts in scheduling shifts for a specific period are automatically highlighted
Schedule Period
The top of the Schedule detail view shows the period for the schedule you are currently viewing. Use the arrows to cycle through the schedule periods. Any changes you make to this schdule perior are automatically saved.
Once you have re-worked your schedule and are satisfied, click the Publish button to make this active. Once you publish the schedule, all your employees will be able to view their shifts for that schedule period via their phone App. Drivers will see their scheduled shifts only. BCs will see shifts for everyone.
If you make a mistake in your schedule, you can correct it and publish again to make your changes active. Only the latest published schedule is used.